Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Great Migration

Image result for great migration
Click image for link

Ol Man River

Write a 250 word response to the man singing the 1920's song, Ol Man River.

Image result for ol man river

Chapter 8

Chapter 8

  1. What caused President Calvin Coolidge’s son’s death?
  2. Why is Coolidge remembered for “not doing much”?
  3. Who invented the television in 1927?
  4. What were “flappers”?
  5. (Do not write this question) Write a 150 word summary of the Scopes Monkey Trial including what it was about, why people disagreed, and what the outcome was.
  6. What does the Constitution say about religion?
  7. Why did some people oppose the teachers?
  8. What was Walt Disney’s first animated film?
  9. What was Coolidge’s campaign slogan?

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Voting, Suffrage, and Prohibition Notes

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

  1. What was the animal symbol of the Prohibition Party?
  2. Name two religious groups that supported the Prohibition movement?
  3. During the Progressive Era, what did people believe about laws?
  4. How many states approved the 18th Amendment?
  5. In a federal form of government, who shares power?
  6. What are “bootleggers”?
  7. What are “speakeasies”?
  8. What effect did Prohibition have on crime?
  9. How successful was Prohibition at stopping people from drinking?
  10. What Amendment to the Constitution ended Prohibition?

Suffrage and Prohibition Cartoons

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Letter to Woodrow Wilson

Write a 250 word letter to President Woodrow Wilson asking him to support the women's suffrage movement during the 1910's. You must present three different arguments for why he should support the movement.

Image result for woodrow wilson

Friday, February 3, 2017

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

  1. What major event was occurring during the Women’s Suffrage Movement?
  2. Suffragists were attacked for protesting at what location?
  3. Why wouldn’t the protestors pay their fines?
  4. What was Susan B. Anthony told when she asked her teacher to let her learn long division?
  5. Who was the first women elected to congress?
  6. Who was the first women to become a senator?
  7. How long did the women from #6 serve?
  8. What was an argument used by women who opposed suffrage?
  9. What was the last state to ratify the 19th Amendment?
  10. In what year did women vote for the first time?