Friday, January 31, 2020

Chapter 8 Assignment

Chapter 8
1. What caused President Calvin Coolidge’s son’s death?
2. Why is Coolidge remembered for “not doing much”?
3. What were three names the 1920’s was referred to as?
4. Who invented the television in 1927?
5. What were “flappers”?
6. What is ‘materialism”?
7. What does the Constitution say about religion?
8. What was Walt Disney’s first animated film?
9. What was Coolidge’s campaign slogan?
10. Write a 150 word summary of the Scopes Monkey Trial including what it was about, why people disagreed, and what the outcome was.

Monday, January 27, 2020

The Jungle Reading

Read The Jungle, by Upton Sinclair, with your groups. When finished, answer the following questions.

1. Identify and write down 5 quotes from The Jungle that you think tell you a lot about the time period.

2. Write a 125 word personal response to The Jungle.

Image result for the jungle

Monday, January 6, 2020

7th Grade Class Creed

We the class of 2025 strive to see the good in others and make the best of any situation.
Our heads are not in the clouds. They are in the stars.
Our spirits shine brightly and nothing can douse our fire.
As a class we do not dwell on the past, but look to the future
as we rise above our foes and refuse to back down from the challenges we face.
We will work to make what was said to be impossible, possible.
We will remember the past, strive for the future, and make the most of the present. 

We are the class of 2025!

Chapter 4 Assignment

Chapter 4
1. What is Prohibition?
2. What was the animal symbol of the Prohibition Party?
3. Name two religious groups that supported the Prohibition movement.
4. During the Progressive Era, what did people believe about laws?
5. What Amendment instituted Prohibition?
6. How many states approved the Amendment?
7. In a federal form of government, who shares power?
8. What are “bootleggers”?
9. What are “speakeasies”?
10. What effect did Prohibition have on crime?
11. How successful was Prohibition at stopping people from drinking?
12. What Amendment to the Constitution ended Prohibition?