Wednesday, October 21, 2015

US History Book Assignments (Recent)

105 - 111

  1. Why was Britain forced to expand its involvement in its empire?
  2. Why did some imperialists want to restrict the speed at which Britain’s newly acquired territories were settled?
  3. What was the Proclamation of 1763, and why did it anger many colonists?
  4. How successful was the proclamation?
  5. What was the sugar act?
  6. What was the stamp act?
  7. What was the currency act?
  8. Who were the regulators and what were they protesting?
  9. What was the state of the colonial economy during this time period?
  10. What was worse, the political or economic consequences of the British Policies? Why?

  1. What is Social Mobility?
  2. Why was there a greater degree of social mobility in the colonies than in Europe?
  3. What is a Plantation?
  4. Describe the culture of slaves in the South during the colonial period.
  5. Describe the Puritan “town”.
  6. What did Democracy look like in these towns?
  7. Describe the events of the Salem Witch Trials.
  8. List the 3 largest cities in the colonies during the 1770’s.
  9. What purposes did colonial cities serve?
  10. How was life in Northern cities different than on Southern plantations?

71 (Beginnings of Slavery) - 83
  1. What was the Middle Passage?
  2. How does the attitudes and actions of the British towards Native Americans relate to their treatment of African Slaves?
  3. What were “Slave Codes”?
  4. How were racial distinctions in the British colonies different than in the Spanish Colonies?
  5. Who were the Huguenots?
  6. What was the primary group of immigrants to America during this time, and why did they come?
  7. What was the primary economic driver in the colonies during the 17th and 18th century?
  8. What was the primary crop of the Chesapeake region, Georgia, and South Carolina?
  9. How was agriculture different in the Northern Colonies compared to the Southern Colonies?
  10. Why was a shortage of currency a problem?
  11. What is consumerism, and how did it affect society?

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