Monday, November 26, 2018

7th Grade Creed Assignment


Eight Expectations
Our Great Expectations model is one of educators helping students achieve excellence by holding
themselves and their students to the following expectations:
1. We will value one another as unique and special individuals.
2. We will not laugh at or make fun of a person's mistakes nor use sarcasm or putdowns.
3. We will use good manners, saying "please," "thank you," and "excuse me" and allow others to go
4. We will cheer each other to success.
5. We will help one another whenever possible.
6. We will recognize every effort and applaud it.
7. We will encourage each other to do our best.
8. We will practice virtuous living, using the Nine Pillars of Character.

Monday, November 12, 2018

WWI Test Study Guide

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Complete Map
Image result for WWI map

KEY QUESTIONS FOR TEST (Note: Most of these answers are contained in students notes)
What event started WWI?
Archduke Franz Ferdinand
  • Who is he?
  • Where is he from?
  • Who killed him?
  • Why did they kill him?
  • What nation was his killer from.

What is a war "front".
Define Neutrality.

What year did WWI begin?

Who was the President during WWI?
Why did the US join WWI?
What year did the US join WWI?

Know about the following: Machine guns, zeppelins, poison gas, u-boats, and airplanes and what role they played in the war.

What is trench warfare, why did it happen, and why was it so terrible. What is "no mans land".

Define Espionage.
Define Commerce.
Who won WWI?
In what year did WWI end?
What was the name of the Treaty which ended WWI?
Which nation was blame for WWI in that Treaty?
What was the goal of Woodrow Wilson's 14 Points?
Why did the 14 points fail?

What was the name of the last Czar of Russia?
What was the family name of the Czar?
What was the name of the Czar’s son?
What disease did the Czar’s son have and how was it spread?
Who was the “healer” who claimed to be able to help the Czar’s son?
What happened to the Czar and his family?
What other war was occuring during the Russian Revolution?
What does it mean for a person to defect?
Define communism.
What was the name of the communist leader that led the revolution against the Czar?
What is an expatriate?
What is a civilian?

7th Grade - Russian Revolution Notes


Thursday, November 8, 2018

7th grade WWI Recruitment Poster Assignment.

Create your own WWI recruitment poster. You may use the last few slides of this presentation for examples. Poster must demonstrate understanding of WWI.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Lose Now Pay Later

Friday, September 7, 2018

Yellow Journalism Assignment

Fill out the yellow journalism worksheet below making every day headlines sensational or exaggerated.

Image result for yellow journalism

Assignment Part 2

Use the yellow journalism headlines from your worksheet to create your own yellow journalism newspaper.

Monday, May 21, 2018


What was the purpose of most wartime Propaganda?
What kind of attacks was the US launching against Japan?
What was the Atlantic Charter?
How many casualties did the US suffer on Okinawa?
Define “Malignant”.
Define “Retribution”.
What was FDR’s opinion on Imperialism?
What were FDR’s last words?
Who became President following FDR’s death?
How did the Vice President first impress many people, including FDR?
Who told the Vice President of FDR’s death?
How many times was FDR elected President?
Historians consider FDR to be one of this nation’s greatest presidents. Who else tops that list?
What two crises did FDR lead the nation through?
What does the book mean when it says that FDR “included the excluded”?

Monday, April 30, 2018

Chapter 30

1. What nations had Hitler conquered by Dec 7th, 1941?
2. What event caused Britain and France to finally enter the war?
3. Define Blitzkrieg.
4. How did France fair against the German attack?
5. What is located at Pearl Harbor?
6. How many people died at Pearl Harbor during the Japanese attack?
7. How many ships were sunk or severely damaged?
8. What other locations did Japan attack on December 7th?
9. How did Pearl Harbor change the way people thought about Air Power?
10. Define Infamy.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Chapter 28 and 29

Chapter 28
  1. Where was Einstein born and what was his ethnicity?
  2. What invention did Napoleon ignore that could have helped him to invade England?
  3. Who led the Manhattan Project?

Chapter 29

  1. How does the book say that the “wolves” of Germany, Italy, and Japan would conquer the world?
  2. What is an “isolationist”?
  3. What is a “pacifist”?
  4. What did Colonel William Mitchell believe that the US needed to build?
  5. What was the Lend-Lease program?
  6. How big was the US military compared to those of other nations?
  7. What did FDR think about the totalitarian powers?

Friday, April 13, 2018

Chapter 27

Chapter 27
  1. Define “anti-semitism”.
  2. What was the purpose of the Crusades of ancient times?
  3. What is Eugenics?
  4. What were some economic reasons why people may have resented Jews?
  5. What problems did Hitler blame on Jews?
  6. Besides Jews, what other groups of people did Hitler hate and persecute?
  7. What are the words carved on the Statue of Liberty?
  8. What are refugees?
  9. What did the United States do when they had the opportunity to rescue 20,000 young Jews in 1939?
  10. What happened to the St. Louis, which tried to reach Cuba/America?

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Chapter 26

Chapter 26 - 20th Century Monsters
  1. Who became chancellor of Germany in 1932?
  2. Why did Germany feel betrayed after WWI?
  3. Make a list of three challenges faced by Germany before WWII.
  4. What are “reparations”?
  5. How many German marks bought one dollar in 1923?
  6. What did the German people want in a leader?
  7. What does “might makes right” mean?
  8. What is the “Gospel of Nationalism”?
  9. Why did Japan need to expand, and who did they attack first?
  10. Who was the fascist leader of Italy?
  11. Who was the communist leader of the U.S.S.R., and what does U.S.S.R. stand for?

Friday, March 16, 2018

Chapters 23, 24, and 25

Chapter 23
  1. What crippling disease affected Franklin Delano Roosevelt?
  2. What are the symptoms of that disease?
  3. How did William Phillips describe FDR?
Chapter 24
  1. What were the ideas contained in FDR’s “New Deal”?
  2. How many states did Roosevelt win in the election of 1932?
Chapter 25
  1. What is a Pragmatist?
  2. What did former President Calvin Coolidge have to say about the Depression?
  3. What was “the Brain Trust”, and why did FDR call them together?
  4. List at least three things that the New Deal did.
  5. What was the Social Security Act?
  6. What was the “Aristocracy of Talent”?

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Chapter 16/17

1. What does it mean to buy stock on margin?
2. What does a stock broker do?
3. Why were banks in trouble due to the crash?
4. Who is hurt most during an economic depression?
5. How was the Great Depression different from others?
6. What did the census of 1920 show?
7. What advantage did farmers have during the depression when compared to people in the cities?
8. What caused the Dust Bowl?
9. What states were directly affected by the Dust Bowl?
10. How had farmers been irresponsible?
11. What was a “Hooverville” and how did they get their name?
12. How many people were living in Hoovervilles by 1933?

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Chapter 8

1. What caused President Calvin Coolidge’s son’s death?
2. Why is Coolidge remembered for “not doing much”?
3. What were three names the 1920’s was referred to as?
4. Who invented the television in 1927?
5. What were “flappers”?
6. What is ‘materialism”?
7. (Do not write this question) Write a 150 word summary of the Scopes Monkey Trial including what it was about, why people disagreed, and what the outcome was.
8. What does the Constitution say about religion?
9. What was Walt Disney’s first animated film?
10.What was Coolidge’s campaign slogan?

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Chapter 4

Chapter 4 1. What is Prohibition? 2. What was the animal symbol of the Prohibition Party? 3. Name two religious groups that supported the Prohibition movement. 4. During the Progressive Era, what did people believe about laws? 5. What Amendment instituted Prohibition? 6. How many states approved the Amendment? 7. In a federal form of government, who shares power? 8. What are “bootleggers”? 9. What are “speakeasies”? 10. What effect did Prohibition have on crime? 11. How successful was Prohibition at stopping people from drinking? 12. What Amendment to the Constitution ended Prohibition?

Friday, February 2, 2018

Suffrage Assignment

Complete one of the following.

1. Write a 250+ word letter to Woodrow Wilson to convince him to support the women's suffrage movement.


2. Create a poster supporting the women's suffrage movement.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Chapter 6 - Red Scare

Chapter 6
1. Why were communists called “reds”?
2. In what year was the Tsar of Russia overthrown?
3. In a communist system, who owns most property and goods?
4. How was the world becoming “smaller” at the end of the 19th Century?
5. What is an anarchist?
6. What did A. Mitchell Palmer do in response to fear of communism?
7. How many people were jailed for being communist?
8. Were they actually guilty?
9. What does the First Amendment say?
10. What did the Sedition Law do?
11. What groups of people did the Ku Klux Klan dislike?

Image result for red scare 1920's

Russian Revolution Notes

Image result for nicholas and alexandra
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