Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Chapter 26

Chapter 26 - 20th Century Monsters
  1. Who became chancellor of Germany in 1932?
  2. Why did Germany feel betrayed after WWI?
  3. Make a list of three challenges faced by Germany before WWII.
  4. What are “reparations”?
  5. How many German marks bought one dollar in 1923?
  6. What did the German people want in a leader?
  7. What does “might makes right” mean?
  8. What is the “Gospel of Nationalism”?
  9. Why did Japan need to expand, and who did they attack first?
  10. Who was the fascist leader of Italy?
  11. Who was the communist leader of the U.S.S.R., and what does U.S.S.R. stand for?


  1. the blog was a neato burrito
    also i told mrs. kapelaris that she should make a blog

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