Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Chapter 30

Chapter 30
  1. What nations had Hitler conquered by Dec 7th, 1941?
  2. What event caused Britain and France to finally enter the war?
  3. Define Blitzkrieg.
  4. How did France fair against the German attack?
  5. What is located at Pearl Harbor?
  6. How many people died at Pearl Harbor during the Japanese attack?
  7. How many ships were sunk or severely damaged?
  8. What other locations did Japan attack on December 7th?
  9. How did Pearl Harbor change the way people thought about Air Power?
  10. Define Infamy.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Chapter 28/29

Chapter 28
  1. Where was Einstein born and what was his ethnicity?
  2. What invention did Napoleon ignore that could have helped him to invade England?
  3. Who led the Manhattan Project?

Chapter 29
  1. How does the book say that the “wolves” of Germany, Italy, and Japan would conquer the world?
  2. What is an “isolationist”?
  3. What is a “pacifist”?
  4. What did Colonel William Mitchell believe that the US needed to build?
  5. What was the Lend-Lease program?
  6. How big was the US military compared to those of other nations?
  7. What did FDR think about the totalitarian powers?

Monday, April 20, 2015

Chapter 27

  1. Define “anti-semitism”.
  2. What was the purpose of the Crusades of ancient times?
  3. What is Eugenics
  4. What were some economic reasons why people may have resented Jews?
  5. What problems did Hitler blame on Jews?
  6. Besides Jews, what other groups of people did Hitler hate and persecute?
  7. What are the words carved on the State of Liberty?
  8. What are refugees?
  9. What did the United States do when they had the opportunity to rescue 20,000 young Jews in 1939?
  10. What happened to the St. Louis which tried to reach Cuba/America?

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Great Depression PowerPoints

PowerPoint 1 
PowerPoint 2
PowerPoint 3
PowerPoint 4

Chapter 26 Homework

Chapter 26

  1. Why did Germany  give Hitler absolute power?
  2. The Treaty of Versailles required what of Germany militarily?
  3. What are “reparations”?
  4. How many German marks bought one dollar in 1923?
  5. What did the German people want in a leader?
  6. What does “might makes right” mean?
  7. Why did Japan need to expand, and who did they attack first?
  8. Who was the fascist leader of Italy?
  9. Who was the communist leader of the U.S.S.R., and what does U.S.S.R. stand for?