Wednesday, November 13, 2019

14 Points For Peace Assignment

With your partner (or individually), create your own “14 Points for Peace” on what you would change in the world to avoid another World War after WWI.

Make sure to include both what you would change as well as why it is important.

Click here for link to Wilson's 14 Points For Peace as a template!

Image result for woodrow wilson

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Chapter 3 - Spanish Flu Assignment

Chapter 3
1. What does Pandemic mean in Greek?
2. How many people died as a result of the Spanish Flu of 1918?
3. Where did the disease spread most rapidly?
4. Where do we think the disease may have originated?
5. What could happen to you if you sneezed or coughed without covering your mouth in New York?
6. How many Americans died of the flu in one week in 1918?
7. What makes strains of the flu stronger or weaker?
8. Who was most vulnerable to death from the disease?
9. How did Doctors function differently at this time?’
10. Who fed much of Europe during World War I?

Russian Revolution Notes


Tuesday, October 22, 2019

7th grade WWI Recruitment Poster Assignment.

Create your own WWI recruitment poster. You may use the last few slides of this presentation for examples. Poster must demonstrate understanding of WWI.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Preface Chapter - 7th Grade

1. Which President created Mother’s Day?
2. Gavrilo Princip wanted to free what nation?
3. What group did Gavrilo join?
4. Franz Ferdinand was the heir to the throne of what nation?
5. How did the Black Hand first try to kill Ferdinand?
6. How did the Black Hand eventually kill Ferdinand?
7. What did George Washington want America not to do?
8. What ship was sunk by U-Boats killing over a thousand people?
9. Who was the President of the US during WWI?
10. What was the Zimmerman Telegram?

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

President Letter Assignment

Write a letter to either President McKinley or President Roosevelt about your opinion on United States Imperialism at the time in Cuba, Panama, Hawaii etc. Do you agree with what they were doing at the time? Why or why not?

Minimum 250 Words!

Image result for teddy roosevelt william mckinley

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Chapter 27 Assignment

Chapter 27
1. Define “anti-semitism”.
2. What was the purpose of the Crusades of ancient times?
3. What is Eugenics?
4. What were some economic reasons why people may have resented Jews?
5. What problems did Hitler blame on Jews?
6. Besides Jews, what other groups of people did Hitler hate and persecute?
7. What are the words carved on the Statue of Liberty?
8. What are refugees?
9. What did the United States do when they had the opportunity to rescue 20,000 young Jews in 1939?
10. What happened to the St. Louis, which tried to reach Cuba/America?

Thursday, May 2, 2019

APUSH Essay Prompts

If you would like to do some AP practice essays click the link below. They have the essay and short answer prompts for each year since the new test was implemented 4 years ago. They also have sample essays to read as well.

Image result for APUSH memes

Khan Academy APUSH

Sorry for not posting this earlier. It will not be due until Monday!

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Chapter 26

Chapter 26 - 20th Century Monsters
1. became chancellor of Germany in 1932?
2. Why did Germany feel betrayed after WWI?
3. Make a list of three challenges faced by Germany before WWII.
4. What are “reparations”?
5. How many German marks bought one dollar in 1923?
6. What did the German people want in a leader?
7. What does “might makes right” mean?
8. What is the “Gospel of Nationalism”?
9. Why did Japan need to expand, and who did they attack first?
10. Who was the fascist leader of Italy?
11. Who was the communist leader of the U.S.S.R., and what does U.S.S.R. stand for?
12. Why do you think this chapter has the name it does?

Image result for 20th century monsters WWII

Monday, April 29, 2019

Grade Level Event Info

2019 7th Grade Event

As most of you are aware, grade level event day 2019 is almost upon us! I am looking forward to experiencing the revamped Hooverville and related events. This year’s seventh graders are an extraordinary group of kids and it has been my pleasure to teach them.

I apologize for an error in the school email I sent out last week as my email was misspelled. If you are interested in volunteering please send an email to, or respond directly to this email.

We don’t need a lot of volunteers. We mostly need someone with a grill as well as someone to man it as we are grilling food for lunch, as well as help with setup/cleanup.

A couple other notes about the event
Dress Code: Many of the activities we are engaging in that day are going to be done outside and have the potential to be messy. As such we will have a casual dress code allowing T-Shirts, jeans, shorts, etc. They are also encouraged to bring hats and sunscreen as needed.

Cardboard Houses: We will still be making cardboard houses as a part of the event. However, unlike in previous years, we will be making the boxes on campus. It would be great if you could send cardboard boxes and art supplies with your students that day.

For lunch we are planning on having hotdogs, hamburgers, and appropriate sides. If your student would like to donate a side, desert, or condiments (chips, cookies, ketchup, mustard, etc) please have them bring them to Mr. Barnhill’s room by Thursday. No beverages are necessary as we will be providing dry ice root beer. We are also open to donations of plastic utensils, plates, cups, etc.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Chapter 24/25

Chapter 24
1. What were the ideas contained in FDR’s “New Deal”?
2. Why do you think people liked the idea of a “New Deal” during the Great Depression?
3. Back during this time period when did an elected President take office?
4. How many states did Roosevelt win in the election of 1932?
Chapter 25
5. What is a Pragmatist?
6. What did former President Calvin Coolidge have to say about the Depression?
7. What was “the Brain Trust”, and why did FDR call them together?
8. List at least three things that the New Deal did.
9. What was the Social Security Act?
10. What was the “Aristocracy of Talent”?

Friday, March 15, 2019

Great Depression Research Assignment

Using the interwebs do research online and find 15 interesting and meaningful facts about the great depression. Write them down (in complete sentences) on a piece of paper. 

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Chapter 18 Assignment

Chapter 18

  1. Who did Hoover send the military out to remove from Washington DC?
  2. Why were the people from question 1 camped there?
  3. What did the army do when it reached the protesters?
  4. Who did Charles Lindbergh claim was a “fine leader”?
  5. Give an example of how Hoover “did not understand the needs of ordinary people”.
  6. What did Hoover believe about spending government money to stop the Depression?
  7. What did Stephen Spender say about the US?
  8. How did FDR campaign for President?
  9. What is voluntarism, and why did it not work during the Great Depression?

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Chapter 15/16

Chapter 15/16
1. What were Hoover’s qualifications to be President?
2. What ugly tactics were used by the campaign to win the election of 1928?
3. What is a dividend?
4. What does the SEC do?
5. What does it mean to buy stock on margin?
6. Specifically where is the Stock Exchange located, and what does it do?
7. What was happening to the Stock Market in 1927?
8. What does “Dies Irae” mean?
9. How do historians believe that the crash could have been prevented?
10. Describe, in your own words, how an economic crash happens.
11. Was Hoover’s Presidency a success and why? (100 words)

Monday, February 11, 2019

Chapter 13/14 Questions

Chapter 13
1. Who filmed Robert Goddard’s first rocket launch?
2. What two novels inspired Goddard to dream about space travel?
3. Why are the highest speeds of a rocket at the end of their flight?
4. Who created the first rockets in history, and what were they used for?
5. How many patents did Goddard create?

Chapter 14
6. Why was Charles Lindbergh famous?
7. In what year did the first transatlantic commercial flight occur?
8. What was a major challenge for a Pilot of such a long flight?
9. Lindbergh’s journey ended in which city?
10. Who was the first woman to cross the Atlantic by airplane?

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Chapter 8 Assignment Questions

Chapter 8
1. What caused President Calvin Coolidge’s son’s death?
2. Why is Coolidge remembered for “not doing much”?
3. What were three names the 1920’s was referred to as?
4. Who invented the television in 1927?
5. What were “flappers”?
6. What is ‘materialism”?
7. What does the Constitution say about religion?
8. What was Walt Disney’s first animated film?
9. What was Coolidge’s campaign slogan?
10. Write a 150 word summary of the Scopes Monkey Trial including what it was about, why people disagreed, and what the outcome was.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

1920's Notes

Click for Link

7th Grade Creed

We the class of 2024 strive to improve the world through our passion, creativity, and individuality.

We have big dreams and even bigger personalities.

As a class we think outside the box to knock down the walls placed before us.

We don’t make mistakes, only happy accidents.

Nothing gets in our way. We are improbable and unstoppable. Nothing casts a shadow on us.

This is what we do. This is who we are! 2024!