Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Chapter 26

Chapter 26 - 20th Century Monsters
1. became chancellor of Germany in 1932?
2. Why did Germany feel betrayed after WWI?
3. Make a list of three challenges faced by Germany before WWII.
4. What are “reparations”?
5. How many German marks bought one dollar in 1923?
6. What did the German people want in a leader?
7. What does “might makes right” mean?
8. What is the “Gospel of Nationalism”?
9. Why did Japan need to expand, and who did they attack first?
10. Who was the fascist leader of Italy?
11. Who was the communist leader of the U.S.S.R., and what does U.S.S.R. stand for?
12. Why do you think this chapter has the name it does?

Image result for 20th century monsters WWII

Monday, April 29, 2019

Grade Level Event Info

2019 7th Grade Event

As most of you are aware, grade level event day 2019 is almost upon us! I am looking forward to experiencing the revamped Hooverville and related events. This year’s seventh graders are an extraordinary group of kids and it has been my pleasure to teach them.

I apologize for an error in the school email I sent out last week as my email was misspelled. If you are interested in volunteering please send an email to nbarnhill@xaviercharter.org, or respond directly to this email.

We don’t need a lot of volunteers. We mostly need someone with a grill as well as someone to man it as we are grilling food for lunch, as well as help with setup/cleanup.

A couple other notes about the event
Dress Code: Many of the activities we are engaging in that day are going to be done outside and have the potential to be messy. As such we will have a casual dress code allowing T-Shirts, jeans, shorts, etc. They are also encouraged to bring hats and sunscreen as needed.

Cardboard Houses: We will still be making cardboard houses as a part of the event. However, unlike in previous years, we will be making the boxes on campus. It would be great if you could send cardboard boxes and art supplies with your students that day.

For lunch we are planning on having hotdogs, hamburgers, and appropriate sides. If your student would like to donate a side, desert, or condiments (chips, cookies, ketchup, mustard, etc) please have them bring them to Mr. Barnhill’s room by Thursday. No beverages are necessary as we will be providing dry ice root beer. We are also open to donations of plastic utensils, plates, cups, etc.