Thursday, February 18, 2016

Page 136 + Chapter 36

  1. What happened at My Lai?
  2. How did the American people find out about what had happened there?
  3. Why didn’t William Calley Jr. serve out his life sentence?
  4. Describe Richard Nixon as a child.
  5. What did the 26th Amendment do?
  6. What tactics did Nixon use to campaign for congress?
  7. Nixon served as Vice President to which President?
  8. What is a pragmatist?
  9. What happened after Saigon fell to North Vietnam?
  10. What were some of the illegal acts that Nixon’s staff committed?
  11. What happened at Watergate?
  12. What was Nixon charged with?
  13. The London Spectator had what to say about Washington and Nixon?

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