Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Chapter 46/47 Homework 7th/8th Grade

Chapter 46/47

  1. Who won a New York senate seat in 2000?
  2. What job did Al Gore’s father have?
  3. Why did the Bush family move to Texas?
  4. What was Al Gore’s platform?
  5. What is the electoral college?
  6. How do they decide how many electors each state receives?
  7. Why did the South want the electoral college in place when the constitution was written?
  8. What is another reason for the creation of the electoral college?
  9. Who won the popular vote in 2000?
  10. Who won the electoral college?
  11. What state ended up deciding the election?
  12. What is an absentee ballot?
  13. What did the Supreme Court decide in Bush v Gore?
  14. Define Prescient.

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